Weekend, Weekly Workouts, Weekly Goals

Hello, Monday.


This weekend I:

Got to meet the folks behind Fiorella’s and sample lots and lots of delicious food…

Fell in love with a new brewski…

Drank said brewskis and munched on Tim’s Super Awesome Spinach Artichoke Dip (sans mayo, I thought it was just as tasty!) while hanging out on the porch with our friends Baka and Esk…

Went to the sweatiest Hour of Power yoga class of all time…

Made these bad boys

Consumed way too many liquid calories at the “Blendah Bendah…”

And had a MUCH needed rainy Sunday… perfect excuse for a day off from working out, blogging, and doing much of anything.  I slept in, spent a lot of time on the couch watching The Wire (anyone else watch The Wire?  Thoughts?), and I also watched the Olympics.  I love watching gymnastics and synchronized diving, but they both give me anxiety to watch.  These athletes are not only amazing for being so fit and awesome at what they do, but how the heck do they not (visibly) shake and tremble as they’re standing at the end of of the diving board on their tiptoes or getting up on the balance beam?!  So crazy to me.

Weekly Workouts

Last Week’s Workouts

I had a stellar exercise week last week, thanks to Week 1 of Best Body Bootcamp!  Here’s what my week ended up looking like in fitness:

  • Sunday:  Off
  • Monday:  BBB Workout 1 (20 minutes 60/60 HIIT cardio on the elliptical + upper body supersets), then taught this core workout in my Core Strength class
  • Tuesday:  Two A Day Tuesday!  Took 1 hour of Kickboxing, then taught BBB Workout 2 (lower body supersets)  in my Circuit class along with an upper body pyramid and some ab work
  • Wednesday:  BBB Workout 3 (this 45 minute elliptical interval workout plus 3 rounds of the ab circuit)
  • Thursday:  BBB Workout 4 (20 minutes steady cardio on the elliptical, then taught the total body supersets in my Circuit class)
  • Friday:  Taught Cardio & Core class (20 minutes Cutz/20 minutes Kix/20 minutes floor work)
  • Saturday:  Went to the sweatiest hour of power class at Prana Power Yoga I’ve ever been to

This Week’s Workouts

  • Sunday:  Off
  • Monday:  One of BBB Week 2’s superset workouts + 20 minutes 60/60 HIIT cardio + teaching Core Strength
  • Tuesday:  Two A Day Tuesday!  1 hour of Kickboxing, then teaching one of BBB Week 2’s superset workouts in Circuit
  • Wednesday:  TBD… I have PT in the morning, but I may cancel.  Definitely doing another 45 minute cardio interval workout either way!
  • Thursday:  20 minutes steady state cardio + teaching the third BBB Week 3’s superset workout in Circuit
  • Friday:  Teaching 6am Cardio & Core class again
  • Saturday:  Off or TBD

Weekly Goals

Last week my weekly goals were to drink more water and to do my hip stretches every day.

I did do my hip stretches every day and my hip is feeling good.  I drank more water for sure Monday and Tuesday, but then started to slack off a bit.  I think I’ll try to focus on both again as a joint goal 1, but this week I’m adding on to get more sleep.  Last week I literally got 6 hours of sleep each night and I was paying for it by the time Friday came around.  Getting enough sleep is definitely something I never do — maybe even my UNhealthiest habit.

What did you guys do this weekend?  What’s your favorite event to watch in the Olympics?  How did last week’s workouts go and what’s the plan for this week?  Any health and fitness goals you’d like to make for yourselves this week?

Have a fab Monday!

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