Settling In

Tim and I are finally settling in to our new apartment.

Sorry, no pictures yet.  I’ve been too busy trying to find my pants to snap any pictures of the new place.   Yes, that’s right.  I couldn’t find any pants (work or workout) for three days, despite my borderline OCD labeling of boxes.  That’s what happens when I pack my clothes into a clear container that I can’t write on with sharpie.  My pants end up buried beneath summer dresses and therefore I end up in a way too big for me skirt during a pouring rainstorm.  With a white sweater.  And no umbrella.

So yes, between moving, wrapping things up in my current position (transfer date is next Wednesday), finalizing the new fall schedule for the Y (I just added 32 new group exercise classes and hired 10 new instructors), and trying to do all my normal routine things, it’s no wonder I haven’t been able to sit down and just breathe, get settled, and enjoy my new space.

I can’t really blame all that stuff though because I have a self-diagnosed disorder where I physically cannot just SIT on the couch when there are packed boxes just taunting me to unpack them.  Sending me silent messages to get off my butt and organize something.

When will I learn it’s OKAY to just sit down and leave something undone?  Maybe when I turn 27?

That would be nice.

A couple random things from this week:

I tried a new Clif Bar flavor.

And I can’t decide how I feel about it.  It’s decent.  But there’s a flavor in there that stands out beyond the rest of the flavors and I can’t pinpoint it.  It’s not bad, I just can’t figure out.

I also made a return to oatmeal this week.  I woke up on Wednesday actually feeling a little bit chilly with a cool breeze coming through the window, and all I had was oatmeal on the brain.

Topped with peanut butter, sliced banana, blueberries, and raisins — this was especially delicious.  The fact that it was enjoyed out of my new Target bowl made it even better.  Ooo, I guess you can kind of see our brand new stove in the background.  As you can imagine, I’m loving that.

My friend Monique (my top Fitness & Feta commenter, by the way) taught my Circuit Training class on Tuesday at the Y and ended class (after the cooldown) with 5 starburst/starfish/air squat jumps.  Whatever you want to call them, that was awesome.  Monique, I’m stealing that idea!

Hmm, what else?

Oh!  Drop sets.  Been LOVING this concept from Best Body Bootcamp.  The idea?  Pick a heavier weight and do 6-8 reps of each move in the workout with the really heavy weight.  Then drop down and do the same move with a lighter/moderate weight until your muscles feel fatigued.  After the fatigue, perform an “active recovery” exercise for 90 seconds before repeating again and then moving on to the next round of exercises.  For example, do 6-8 chest presses with a fifteen pounder, then drop to a twelve pound weight and chest press away until you can’t anymore.  Then do 90 seconds of jacks, and repeat through again.

Seriously though, drop sets are yet another fun and different way to change up your strength training routine.  Tina, another workout for the win!

Alright loves, I’m out to relax sit down for 3 minutes and then find a chore to busy myself with.

Any other crazy obsessive compulsive can’t sit down kind of people out there??  Please tell me I’m not alone here.

Have a great night!



6 thoughts on “Settling In

  1. 100% with you. The only thing preventing me from being completely unpacked is lack of furniture. I’ve been up all hours unpacking everything I could everyday this week….hate the clutter! Reorganized my boyfriend’s clothes…needless to say he could not find something even more important than pants….oops!


  2. I cannot leave a mess or unpacked boxes either.. And I have to say those Starfish at the end of class Tuesday were awesome and so much fun!


  3. Woohoo! Love the shoutout! I stole that from my ‘mentor’ instructor… She wants people to leave the class energized, but really, who doesn’t love a good star jump every once and a while?! Had a blast with your group- can’t wait to be there on a weekly basis:)


  4. I can’t leave a mess either. It distracts me. My room at college was always incredibly neat because I couldn’t do any work if there was something on the floor or something was out of place. Drove my roommates nuts.


  5. So, I was going to comment last night that I’m definitely OCD, but as I looked around at the clutter on my coffee table and thought of the dishes in the sink, I realized maybe I’m not. Then this morning after Cardio and Core, I couldn’t stand that the steps and risers were disorganized, so I organized them. Is it possible to be OCD about SOME things and not others? haha


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