First Workout of 2013

On New Year’s Day, a bunch of the gym girls and I got together to do a workout together.  I know I was certainly feeling a little lost without Two A Day Tuesday in my life since both Christmas and New Year’s fell on Tuesdays this season.  I love that we were able to turn a lack of Two A Day into a Three A Day ass kicking!

sweat is the cologne of accomplishment

Monique started us out with a warmup and about 30 minutes of (non-CBC) cardio kickboxing, which I loved.

Then I took over and taught 30 minutes of bosu strength and cardio intervals.  Since we didn’t have enough bosus to go around, I had everyone pair up and do the following workout.

bosu blast partner workout

Note – you don’t have to have a partner to do this workout, you can still go through all the exercises on your own.  But if you are sticking with a gym buddy to keep yourself on track this year, give it a go with them!

Finally, Liz finished us out with 30 more minutes of gliding disc torture work (seriously obsessed with gliding discs), I did a quick stretch, and we all left feeling accomplished with our first sweat session of 2013.

I’ve said it before and will say it again, I’m so thankful to be friends with crazies who actually want to organize a “secret” class to get our workouts in!

I hope everyone is also enjoying the 31 Days Abs Challenge.  I did my timed plank on Tuesday and my 100 crunches (did them on my stability ball) before bed last night.  Today is Tabata Thursday, so I hope you will all take a mere four minutes out of your day to rock these moves, or eight if you feel like doing it twice!  For links to the exercises, please click on the link above – they are in my original post.

31 Day Ab Challenge - Week 1 Tabata Thursday

For those who came to class this morning, sorryyyy but I didn’t include this in this morning’s workout.  The point is to do extra!  Have fun!

What was your first workout of the New Year??

P.S.  Boston area readers, here is a great fitness incentive if you are interested!  The folks at Ultimate Bootcamp have asked me to announce that any new bootcamper who registers for and completes the first eight weeks of bootcamp, starting 1/7/13, will receive a $100 bill as a reward for sticking with their resolution.  Full information on the program is available here.  I wish I had time for that!  It sounds awesome!

9 thoughts on “First Workout of 2013

    • I put the links to all the exercises in my original post! The heel taps are when you lie on your back with feet flat on the floor, then lift upper back off the ground and shift side to side to touch your heels. That’s the one I always tell people they are cheating on if they keep their feet wide. 🙂


  1. First workout of 2013 was one mile.on the treadmill at the Seaport Hotel on New Year’s morning, that was tough getting up for. Dad did it too!


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