The Awk Spot: The Time I Thought I Lost My Phone But Didn’t

The following post is sponsored by Fitfluential LLC on behalf of Reebok.

Last week I was invited to attend a fitness class downtown that was hosted by CrossFit Backbay and City Sports. While I am not a “traditional” Cross Fitter, I do like trying new classes around the city and was excited for the opportunity. I also knew we’d likely be doing a bodyweight workout since the class was held outdoors, and I’m always looking for new bodyweight ideas to teach in my fitness classes, do as part of no equipment workouts at home, and share on the blog with all of you.

I went into the night feeling a little flustered after being stuck in traffic on the way home from work. I had to sprint to catch the bus I take into Boston, but luckily my new Nano 4.0 sneakers that Reebok sent me to wear to the workout helped me make it in time. Phew!

Reebok Nano 4.0s

After arriving to the Greenway and checking in, I really had to pee. Since I had five minutes to spare, I decided to quickly run across the street to use the bathroom in one of the restaurants in the North End. Of course my awkward self picked a creepy restaurant with a bathroom in their dark downstairs area. As I was waiting to use the bathroom, I started overheating because it was so hot. I took off my zip-up jacket (note: phone was in the pocket) and put it in my bag, quickly used the bathroom, and made my way back across the street. At this point, everyone had arrived and settled in, and it was time to start the workout.

Cross Fit on the Greenway

We began with a double Tabata style warmup where we did different dynamic exercises such as squats, lunges, high knees, jumping jacks, pushups, and situps to get our blood flowing. During the warmup, I reached into my pocket for my phone to snap a few pictures (dun, dun, dun), only to realize that my pocket was empty. No phone. Of course I started panicking and stepped out of the warmup for a minute to scan the area around me and frantically dig through my bag. No dice. I lose things at the bottom of my bag all the time, so I quadruple checked, but I still couldn’t find it. Gah! How the heck I was supposed to document my experience at the event for this blog post!? More importantly, I started freaking out about all the pictures that were still on my missing phone from Slesh’s wedding and Erica’s bachelorette party.

After our warmup, the instructor said he was going to take about five minutes to explain and demonstrate the next exercises for the partner section of the workout.

CrossFit on the Greenway

I figured that since the exercises and form for each move were familiar to me, I could sneak away to try to backtrack my steps to the restaurant. I ran away, ignoring some of the weird looks I was getting from other class goers, and sprinted across the street. Back to the creepy bathroom area it was. The manager of the restaurant even came down at one point only to find me crawling around on the gross dark floor like a crazy person. I guess I don’t blame him for being concerned. It’s probably not every day that someone decked out in Reebok gear comes barreling in to his restaurant not once, but twice in one night, and not even to eat anything.

At this point I chalked it up to a loss and figured I should just finish the workout and would worry about my phone later. Back across the street I went, and I made it back just in time to start the partner part of class. Miraculously, a really nice guy was still looking for a partner and found me. The gist of the workout was that each pair needed to finish all 100 squats before moving on to the sit-ups, then all 100 sit-ups before moving on to the jumping lunges. Everyone could decide how they wanted to split up the reps, so my partner and I decided to just alternate doing 10 reps each until we reached the 100 total. The kicker was that every minute on the minute, the instructor would yell for everyone to pause wherever they were and do 3 burpees. Those minutes seemed to get shorter and shorter as the workout went on! I taught this workout in my class this morning, and I think it’s safe to say that my class members would agree.

Can you spot me doing butterfly sit-ups?

Reebok crossfit on the greenway[photo via Run to Munch]

Once everyone completed the partner workout, the instructor said that “the only reward for exercise is more exercise!” (definitely stealing that), so we finished class with some isometric work: straight-arm planks, side planks, and a new to me version of V-ups that I most certainly will be introducing in my classes soon. Even though the class was advertised from 6-7, we finished around 6:45. The City Sports and CrossFit Back Bay folks stuck around to host a raffle, hand out water, and answer any questions people had.

CrossFit on the Greenway

City Sports also gave me a little swag bag before the workout started, so after I finished stretching, I sat down to peek at what was inside. What was the first thing I saw in there? My phone. When I took my jacket off and put it in my over the shoulder bag, my phone must have fallen into the swag bag inside somehow! I still don’t really understand how that happened since I hadn’t opened the swag bag yet, but it did, and I basically ran around like a madwoman for an hour for no reason. I just had to shake my head because this was definitely a typical awkward Athena thing to do.

I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to introduce myself to some of the other bloggers that were there, but I just felt too frazzled to have a normal conversation with anyone. I do consider my overall experience a success though. Even though I “lost my phone,” I was still able to get a good workout in and sweat a lot during the WOD. I also really liked wearing my new orange and purple kicks for the workout. They were super comfortable, and the wider toe box was a bonus! (ha).

CrossFit on the Greenway

If you are interested in participating in this class, you are in luck because it’s being offered every Thursday night from 6-7pm until August 21st on the Greenway (right between the North End and Haymarket station, near the intersection of Cross and Hanover). To take part, you just need to register online and show up. I definitely recommend it! There was a good group – about 25 people total of mixed genders, ages, and fitness levels – so if you are intimidated by Cross Fit, don’t be. The instructor broke everything down so all the beginners were comfortable, and I think free fitness events like these are a great place to meet new people.

Unless you are a loser like me.

–Let’s chat–
Have you ever tried CrossFit before? Was it indoors at a CrossFit box or outside for a free event? Are you taking advantage of any other free fitness classes in your communities this summer?

Want more awkward slices of my life?

9 thoughts on “The Awk Spot: The Time I Thought I Lost My Phone But Didn’t

  1. I’ve never tried CrossFit. It seems a little too intimidating/intense for me. I prefer doing bodyweight exercises on my own, and socially working out when running or going to spin class. But I suppose a free class should be on my to-try list! Glad you found your phone, too 🙂


    • I hear you on the seeming too intimidating or intense. But often times the free outdoor ones aren’t bad at all since they will never move all the crazy barbells and equipment outside. I did a different free City Sports series last year, and the only equipment we ever used were the slam ropes and a rowing machine!


  2. Oh – that class sounds very cool (minus the phone incident!!!). I have never done cross fit but that sounds like a great setting to try it in for the first time.


  3. I wish that my awkward moments were as benign as yours! I know the feeling but I think you are too hard on yourself! These experiences add a few laughs and fun into our lives 🙂


  4. Pingback: F&F Friday Favorites ~ 08.01.14 | Fitness & Feta

  5. Pingback: F&F Friday Favorites ~ 08.08.14 |

  6. Pingback: 2014: Best of F&F | Fitness & Feta

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