Weekend Wrap Up and Back to Bootcamp!

Good morning!  As usual, the weekend went by way too fast.

Weekend Wrap Up

Friday night Tim and I celebrated our three-year “anniversary.”  We tried a restaurant in Arlington called Tryst.  Loved the vibe, loved the food.  Most of all, loved the wine.  And my company of course.  Highly recommend!

Saturday I spent the day doing a bunch of errands… CVS, post office, about two hours at the Y prepping things for the Health fair, car inspection, etc.  Also snuck in a two-mile run outside because it was so beautiful out!  Slesh came over to hang for a bit and we grabbed dinner at Conley’s Pub down the street, but we were back home by 10pm since we both at 6am wake up calls on Sunday.

Sunday was the Oak Scare 5k Road Race and Health Fair that I’ve mentioned all week.  It was a success, yay!  I’m so happy our hard work paid off.  Huge thank you to everyone that came in support, but also to my brother who agreed to be our DJ for free, and to my friends that volunteered their time on a Sunday morning to help set up and clean up.  I really appreciate that and am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life!

I’ll be doing a more detailed post on the event recap, but here’s a sneak peek pic of my CBC ladies demonstrating Kickboxing to hold you guys over.

Photo courtesy of Kristen!

After the fair I was STARVING so Tim and I grabbed lunch at Coolidge Corner Clubhouse.  I just realized I went out to eat too many times this weekend.  Oops.  We also did some grocery shopping at The Meat House (yesterday’s Groupon deal!) and Trader Joe’s before heading home and faceplanting on the couch for the football game.  Our friends Pete and Andrea joined us, which was nice.  I ended up taking a nap, which NEVER happens, then somehow managing to stay awake for Homeland.  Is it sad that Sunday night Homeland watching is one of my favorite parts of the week?

All in all, another great weekend!

Let’s focus on this week in fitness, then it’s time to tackle the day.

Weekly Workouts

Last Week’s Workouts

  • Sunday:  1 hour Kickboxing
  • Monday:  30 minute abs class + 90 minutes of Kix at CBC
  • Tuesday:  Took Liz’s Kickboxing class, then taught Circuit
  • Wednesday:  Off
  • Thursday:  Taught Circuit with this stability ball themed workout
  • Friday:  Off
  • Saturday:  2 mile run outside

This Week’s Workouts

I signed up for another round of Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp program.  I participated in this program for round 2 over the summer and had a lot of fun doing it.  I signed up again because it’s only $25 for 8 weeks worth of workouts, with six different workouts provided each week.  For me this is a great way to get new ideas for my Circuit Training classes.  I also found that I increased my weights during the last round, so now my ten pounders don’t do so much for me anymore!  Bring on the twelves and fifteens please… and Tina’s workouts are no joke!  I also definitely noticed a slight change in my body which was great since that wasn’t my goal going into the program.  Another perk of BBB are the weekly goals you set for yourself since making goals holds you more accountable for them.  Plus there are cash prizes at the end, it’s a great way to network with other bloggers and non-bloggers alike, and it’s also SO flexible.  That’s the most important part to me, being able to adapt it to my already crazy workout schedule.  That being said, some days I don’t do a workout from BBB, other days I switch around the order of the workouts from how they were provided, and so forth.  I’m excited for Round 3!  Plus Jen is doing it again, and Trina is trying it this time too!

This is what I have planned for this week so far… but it might end up changing.

  • Sunday:  Ran around all morning setting up the health fair + 10 minute sweaty Kix demo + 10 minute Family Zumba demo
  • Monday:  Teaching a Cycle class at the Waltham Y + Planks
  • Tuesday:  Taking Liz’s Kickboxing class.  Then teaching Workout A, B, or C in Circuit.
  • Wednesday:  TBD — either 40 minutes of steady state with more planks, or heading to CBC as my cardio.
  • Thursday:  Teaching Workout A, B, or C in Circuit depending on which I teach Tuesday!
  • Friday: Teaching Cardio & Core (this will be my “cardio of choice” day)
  • Saturday:  Doing Workout A, B, or C on my own — whichever I have left over from the rest of the week.

Weekly Goals

1) Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night
2) Track my food every day in LoseIt!

I know 7 hours might not seem like a lot, but it will be in comparison to past weeks and I need to start with realistic (SMART!) goals instead of just jumping into something that I know I won’t necessarily do right away and then get down about later.

What did you do this weekend?  What is on your workout agenda this week?  Anyone want to add on to the goals I already made?

Hope everyone’s week is off to a happy start!