Randomness from the week…

Hello, everyone.  I’m back to share some tidbits from my week that I haven’t had the chance to post about yet.


—>  My workout playlist for this week, some good new songs on here, at least new to me!  I really love Adele’s “Right as Rain” for a catchy cooldown / leave in a good mood song.

—>  My parents’ 35th wedding anniversary.  Happy 35 to Chuck and Georgia!

—> I signed up for Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp.  It starts on Monday and runs for 8 weeks.  That’s 8 week’s of workout material and a chance to get to know new people in the healthy living community.  I really loved the personalized training plan I won from Tina a while ago, so I’m excited to get some new ideas and be challenged!  Not sure if I’ll be able to do every single workout religiously with my current teaching schedule, but I’m sure I can get creative!  Plus, Jen signed up too.  🙂


—> Tuesday night?  Not my best Two A Day in the world.  First of all, Christine kicked my bee-hind in Kickboxing.  Holy cardio focused playlist.  I was sweating so bad.  Then the Circuit workout I planned wasn’t the best I’ve ever done, and you could just tell I was tired and coming out of vacation mode.  Sorry guys, they can’t all be winners.  How I felt after class:

—> Thursday morning?  A better Circuit class…. station themed!!  We did three different rounds of 5 stations each.  1 minute at each station.  As you can see, the five stations I set up were:  Steps, Bosus, Bands, Medicine Balls, Stability Balls.

In between each round (not in between each station) we did cardio blasts.  Had about 15 mins remaining at the end, asked the class what they wanted to work extra on.  Someone yelled butt, someone yelled abs.  Ensue:  Ab & Butt Tabata work.

—> Had my first *real* personal training client at the gym last night.  Super fun!  She worked hard and sweat hard.  Throwing a question out there.  If I were to offer personalized/customized workout plans for a very cheap rate via Fitness & Feta, would any of you be interested?  I’m considering.

—> Thursday night I came home to my roomie Slesh cooking moussaka!  If you guys are like what?  Moose caca?  (My Big Fat Greek Wedding anyone?) just know that moussaka is one of my all time favorite Greek dishes!  This is great timing because a Y member approached me the other night and told me she reads my blog but is wondering why I don’t post more Greek recipes.  Well, generally they are not the healthiest of meals, but also they take HOURS to make.  Well last night Slesh used a recipe from Mark’s Daily Apple for a primal moussaka.  (If you missed Slesh’s guest post on her experiences with primal eating, check it out here!)  Anyways, she let me have a piece for dinner and it did NOT disappoint.  Hooray for a healthier made Greek dish, and double hooray for not having to throw together dinner at 9:30 last night.  Thanks, Slesh!

—>  My sweet treat of the week?  A handful of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate covered almonds.  Yummah.

—> Started some new reading material.  “The Condition” is about a girl who has Turner’s syndrome and how it affects the entire family.  Only read a couple of chapters last night before bed…. so far, so good.

—>  One of my health and fitness goals this week was to try a new recipe.  Not sure how many of you read Fitnessista, but if you do you are probably familiar with her infamous breakfast cookie.  Like I tweeted this morning, I am pretty sure I am the only healthy living blogger out there that HADN’T tried her breakfast cookie recipe yet.  Well last night I put it together, let it sit in the fridge overnight, and this morning I got to enjoy quite the nice treat for breakfast!  Like Gina says, it’s definitely “something worth waking up for!”  My mix-ins?  Mashed banana, shredded coconut, and raisins.  Seriously guys, you must click on the link and try this out.  I had with a scoop of plain Greek yogurt with blueberries and strawberries and I stayed full ALL morning.

That’s about it!!!  Oh yeah, and I’m finally cleared to talk about career changes since I got an official transfer date yesterday.  Separate post on that coming soon!

Any randomness you’d like to share from your weeks?  What’s up for the weekend?

Tonight we’re having a belated bday celebration for Bridget, and tomorrow night is a belated bday for Tim’s sister.  Lots of belated bday stuff!  My days are open and free though, which is thrilling.  Have a great weekend, all!