F&F Friday Favorites

Hi friends!  My weekend is starting a day early today.  Yep, that’s right, this was a three-day work week for me.  Tim and I are heading up to New Hampshire for a birthday overnight, my birthday gift to him.  I am excited to get away for a bit, even if only for a night.

For today, my second week of Friday Favorites!  Hope you enjoy what I’ve enjoyed reading this week.

Friday Favorites

Food & Fitness

  • Looking for ways to cut calories when you go out to eat on the weekend?  Read on here for some tips you might not have thought of before.
  • I must make these spanakopita bites as seen on Iowa Girl Eats.  I have some Athens phyllo dough just hanging out in my freezer.  Now I know what to make with them.  Thanks, Kristin!
  • Have you heard of intermittent fasting?  I first read about it here, but this week Gina at The Fitnessista presents two different viewpoints on the topic.  I’m not sure I could ever do it because of how active I (usually) am, but then again, I haven’t tried.  Thoughts?  It’s a controversial topic for sure.
  • 17 powerful bodyweight exercises for speed and strength.  I’m always looking for new moves, and Greatist never fails to deliver.

Blog Tributes to Boston
**As I mentioned in my Wednesday post, this week there was an outpouring of love and support for Boston in the blogging community.  I read countless tributes to Boston this week, but these are some of the ones that really resonated with me.**

Let’s chat!  What around the web has caught your eye this week? 

One last thing before I go!  The folks over at Ultimate Bootcamp reached out to me last week to let me know about a FREE fitness event in Boston next weekend on Saturday 4/27.  The Ultimate Spring Workout is a celebration of spring, fitness, and community that will offer free 45 minute fitness classes from several fitness companies, giveaways, goodie bags, chair massages, and more.  It’s being held on the Rose Kennedy Greenway in the North End, and I signed up because it sounds awesome and because for each attendee, Ultimate Bootcamp will donate $2 toward The One Fund.  If any of you would like to join me, you can sign up here.    Let me know if you do!

Have a great weekend everyone!