Underway Sunday

Hey guys.  I’m off to a bit of a slow start this morning as last night was a late one (I consider 1:30am a late one).  I had fun catching up with my friends though!

Davis Square

Davis Square

This morning I’m catching up on blog reading, enjoying a cup of coffee, and just lounging around a bit.  Tim and I just feasted on a big plate of chocolate chip banana pancakes for breakfast.  I was too hungry and eager to eat that I didn’t snap a picture of them, but you’ll just have to trust me that they were delicious.  I followed this recipe, but replaced the strawberries with banana instead and made a couple other little tweaks.

We also planned out our meals for the week, which look something like this:

-Grilled chicken wraps and/or salads
-Egg avocado wraps and/or salads

-Sunday:  Turkey loaf and asparagus
-Monday:  Leftover turkey loaf and asparagus
-Tuesday:  Maple peach glazed pork tenderloin with broccoli and a grain
-Wednesday:  Leftover pork
-Thursday:  Out with friends for dinner
-Friday:  Out with friends for dinner

Grocery shopping and my Sunday food prep will get done later, after I head to a wellness fair in Needham this afternoon with my co-worker Dawn.  My fingers are crossed for a lot of free samples.

Questions for you:

  • Do you make / follow a meal plan for the week?
  • Anyone interested in a weekly F&F meal plan/grocery list post?  Similar to my Weekly Workouts series?  I can’t decide…
  • What’s on the agenda for the rest of the day?

Hope your weekends all wind down nicely!