8 Tips for Getting Back on Track After a Vacation

I think we can all agree that vacations are definitely a much-needed break from the daily grind.  However, when it comes to maintaining healthy living during a vacation week, I think that’s an area up for debate.  Should you try to stick to healthy meals and a workout schedule?  Or should you just relax, have fun, and “indulge” because you are on vacation and that’s what vacations are for?  I’ve had getaways where I’ve tried to stick to my normal lifestyle, but I also have had plenty of “I’m going to eat whatever the heck I want” kind of trips as well.

Lobsters after lobstering I think finding a nice balance is ideal, because if you are someone who has worked extremely hard to lose weight and get to where you are, you don’t want to throw it all away with one week of indulgence.  During this past week in Maine, I managed to get a couple of workouts in and walk a LOT, but it certainly wasn’t up to my usual standard.  And as far as food goes, I’ll post about all the delicious meals we ate in my Weekly Eats post this week, but I definitely did not get my usual amount of greens.  And I most certainly had my fair share of splurges.  Don’t get me wrong, splurging for me still doesn’t entail fried food (usually), tons of desserts every night, or even huge breakfasts and lunches; however I did indulge in some very cheesy/bready meals, ice cream, one late night quesadilla fest, and I had at least a few alcoholic bevvies every single day.


Needless to say, after six days of not cooking my own meals, being up later than usual, waking up later than usual, not getting my usual amount of workouts in, eating more sweets than usual, and drinking every day (phew!), my body is just OFF.  My sleep cycle is off so I feel like I have no energy.  I don’t feel as confident in my own skin as I normally do because I just feel bleh.  When we got home, I had zero desire to cook or do any type of Sunday food prep for the week.  However, I know if I don’t get back into the swing of things as soon as possible, I’ll just end up making excuses for myself and causing more damage.  I also don’t want my lack of motivation to turn into some unhealthy habits.

Cucumber Martini

That being said, I wanted to share with you guys 8 of my tips for getting back on track after an indulgent vacation!

Drink LOTS of water.  We got home on Saturday night, and I swear I spent all of Sunday and Monday chugging water.  I do not and will never try any other type of “detox” or “cleanse,” so water it is for me.  Being hydrated helps me feel as though my vacation toxins are exiting my system, and this is usually the first thing that helps me feel better.

Hitting the gym is probably the last thing you feel like doing, but again, you don’t want to build unhealthy habits by staying on the couch once you get home.  Instead of dwelling on how many workouts you didn’t do, visualize how AWESOME your workouts will be now that you’ve given your body some rest for a week.  Make a plan, and then do it.  Whether sweating for you means taking a group exercise class, going for a walk, lifting heavy… it doesn’t matter.  Just do it.  A good sweat (or a few) is sometimes all it takes for me to feel better.


Get to the Store
Like I said before, food prep was the last thing I wanted to do after getting home from Maine.  But I knew that if we didn’t plan our meals this week and get to the store on Sunday, then it would be more meals out (and more money spent!).  Once you are at the store, fill your cart with rainbow colors — lots of greens, reds, yellows, etc.  Incorporating lots of fruits and veggies into your first week back will just help you feel better!

Grocery Shopping

Get to Bed Early
This is so important for getting your sleep cycle back on track!  Even if it’s getting to bed 15 minutes earlier each night you are home until you are back to your normal bedtime, that will help.  Don’t forget making healthy choices and decisions is much easier when you are well rested and have the energy to think.

Eat at Home
Think about how easy it was to splurge when out to eat, and then decide not to do it (at least for a little while).  This week I told myself I’m not
going out to eat or to any bars until the weekend.  This weekend is also my company picnic, which is notorious for its crazy amount of food, so I’m going to try to be mindful of my intake there as well.  Until then, though?  Home cooked it is!

Get Inspired
Use your social media networks for motivation!  Doing a little blog reading and Instagram/Facebook/Twitter stalking helped inspire me to try a few new healthy recipes this week.  I’m always bound to find some type of new workout or motivational quote to get my butt back in gear!

Achieve Your Goals

Don’t Obsess
Don’t weigh yourself.  If you can feel that you’ve gained a few pounds, what is seeing the number on the scale going to do for you?   Maybe you are someone who needs to see that higher number to get motivated, but I certainly am not.  Don’t beat yourself up about making some bad choices.  I could sit here and regret every bite that I ate, but wasn’t the food part of my experience?  Focus on the future and move on.

Plan Your Next Trip
Finally, if you are feeling down about being home, start thinking about your next trip!  Give yourself a new goal to work toward.  Maybe it’s keeping up a bathing suit body for a winter getaway somewhere warm.  Sometimes just having that next vacation in the back of your mind can help as well. 

What do you guys think?  Do you try to keep up healthy living on the road or do you splurge during vacation?  What are your tips for getting back on track with a healthy lifestyle after you get home?

P.S.  Happy birthday to my bestie today!