Eight Move Sweaty Circuit

Hello!  It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a full workout post with you.  So here you go!  I did this workout on Sunday as part of my post-birthday recovery.  I needed something super sweaty, and super sweaty this was.

Introducing my eight move sweaty circuit!

Eight Move Sweaty Circuit

Here’s the rundown of the eight exercises, including an at home version as well as a modified version of each:

1.  Box Jumps (10 reps)
Home option = if no sturdy box or bench at home, jump squats
Modified option = regular air squats

2.  Pushups with Rotations and Hip Dips (5 reps each side)
Home option = N/A
Modified option = drop to knees for the pushup, keep one knee down during rotation (side plank) and hip dip

3.  Alternating front kicks (60 seconds)
Home option = N/A
Modified option = keep kicks lower to the ground

4.  Stability Ball V-Sit (15 reps)
Home option = if no ball, regular v-sit
Modified option = no ball, knees bent instead of straight, heels on ground with toes up

5.  Pendulum Lunges (10 reps each side)
Home option = if no weights, just use bodyweight
Modified option = don’t use weight or less reps

6.  Triceps Dips with Kicks (10 reps each side)
Home option = N/A
Modified option = take out the kicks, if bad wrists do overhead triceps extensions or triceps kickbacks

7.  Plie Jump Squats (30 seconds)
Home option = N/A
Modified option = take out the jump

8.  Stability Ball Elbow Plank (60 seconds)
Home option = if no ball, regular elbow plank on ground
Modified option = regular elbow plank on ground, drop knees, or less time

For this workout I did a dynamic warmup and then did 10 minutes of cardio between each set.  You can choose to do your ten minutes of cardio before or after each move.  I did a ten minute run to start, and then in between circuit sets I did five minutes of rowing and five minutes on the elliptical.  If you are short on time, I recommend only doing two rounds of cardio OR changing it up to somewhere between two and five minutes of cardio between each set, depending on your cardio mode.  Don’t forget cardio can include jogging in place, jumping jacks, jump rope, even a power walk – things that don’t require equipment or a gym!

don't make excuses make progress

If you try this workout, snap a pic and either tweet or post to Instagram or Facebook with #sweatyeight, #noexcuses, and #fitnessandfeta.  Would love to see sweaty pics of you guys rocking this.  That’s not weird, right?!

Hope you guys like this one!