5-4-3-2-1 Outdoor Bootcamp Class

Last night I subbed for an outdoor bootcamp class at the Y.  The class is one of our fee based specialty classes at the Y, and I am filling in for the next couple of weeks while we look for a replacement instructor.  I was asked to take it on, but I declined even though I love teaching outdoor bootcamp and this actually used to be my class.  It was one of the first I ever taught at Oak Square, and I definitely miss these members, but I just can’t commit to anything else at this point.  Plus, I would miss Two A Days too much even though the Tuesday night crowd hasn’t been the same lately.  I guess I’m slowly learning not to over-commit.

The weather was perfect for outdoor bootcamp last night though!

Outdoor Bootcamp

Here’s what I taught:

5-4-3-2-1 Outdoor Bootcamp Class

Round 1
5x through circuit

  • Side shuffles around basketball court twice, alternating leads
  • 10 burpees
  • Lateral walking pushups, 5 each side

Round 2
4x through circuit

  • Walking lunges across court, down and back
  • Sprint across court, down and back
  • 30 mountain climbers (15 each leg)

Round 3
3x through circuit

  • Side stepping squats across court, down and back, alternating leads
  • 10 power jacks
  • Run a lap around the Y

Round 4
2x through circuit

  • Inchworm across court, down and back
  • 10 triceps dips
  • 10 butterfly situps

Round 5
1x through circuit

  • Group plank lines
  • Group reverse plank lines
  • Group cross armed situps


Whether you are looking for a bootcampish sweat sesh of your own or if you are an instructor looking for a class format to use, you might like this.  If doing by yourself, you obviously can’t do the group ab work at the end, but you can still do the moves solo.  It’s a nice way to change things up.  Hope you love it!

Outdoor bootcamp – yay or nay?  Favorite exercises?

20 thoughts on “5-4-3-2-1 Outdoor Bootcamp Class

  1. This looks like so much fun. I love group fitness, but the instructors at the gym I go to have a wide range of expertise. Some classes can be amazing while others can be downright terrible and often times you don’t know what you’re going to get. The instructor truly does make the class and it looks like you are great at what you do!.

    To answer your questions: Yes to outdoor bootcamp, absolutely. I love any exercise that takes my mind off of how much pain I’m in. 😀 So mountain biking and hiking are right up there as well. I like to be outside and I love switching up my exercise routine. Nothing kills my motivation more than boredom.


    • Thank you, Alison! This class is an hour and we fit all of this in (including a quick warmup — 2 laps and some dynamic stretching, and a cooldown). My key is while they are grabbing water / taking a quick rest to be demonstrating the moves for the next round. Let me know if you try it!


  2. Pingback: well this isn’t going to be easy | onlyhalfcrazy

  3. Pingback: Weekly Workouts {quality versus quantity} | Fitness & Feta

  4. Pingback: Bootcamp in the Rain | Fitness & Feta

  5. Pingback: 5-4-3-2-1 Boot Camp | Day With KT

  6. Pingback: Best of F&F in 2013 | Fitness & Feta

  7. Can you explain the group cross armed sit ups and group plank lines… could not find any explanation on the web and wanna definitely teach this class to my bootcamp at our Y this week. Thanks! :0)


    • Hi Rachel, sure!

      Cross armed situps: Everyone sits on the ground next to each other (they have to get close) and hooks arm. Then you have them lean back (not all the way, only until their abs start shaking!) and sit back up – all together.

      Group plank lines: Everyone holds a plank in a line, lined up one after the other. The person at the end of the line gets up and jumps over each planker. Then when they get to the end, the next person goes. It’s kind of like an indian run, but plank style. I’ve done that holding both regular and reverse planks.

      There is a picture in this post that will give you a nice visual of both.



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