Things I’m Loving Lately: February 2013 Edition

How’s everyone’s Thursday going?  I had another busy day at work today, but I started the day off right by teaching my 6am class.  I probably sound like a broken record with this, but I just love that class and everyone in it.  The dedication is just contagious!  I taught another Best Body Bootcamp workout, and this one had a lower body focus that left me sweaty and shaky.

Speaking of Best Body Bootcamp, Tina (the mastermind behind BBB) started a new series on her blog called “Bootcamper of the Week.”  And guess who was featured as this week’s bootcamper?!  That’s right!  Make sure to click on over and check it out.  I had a lot of fun sharing my story there.  Thanks for featuring me, Tina!

I wanted to wrap up my February blog posts by sharing some things I’ve been loving this month.  Here goes!

Favorite Things

Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds
I would say I shop at Trader Joe’s about once a month.  I absolutely love it there, but I can’t shop there weekly because there are just too many random “cool looking foods” that I would walk out of the store with and end up spending more money than really necessary.  The main things I buy at Trader Joe’s are almond butter, quinoa, Luna/Clif bars, and a few other staples.  One of my favorite treats to get there; however, are these dark chocolate almond bites.  Tim stopped by Trader Joe’s recently to pick up some quinoa for us, and he brought these home.  Way to my heart, boyfriend, way to my heart.

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Almond Bits

My New Soda Stream
More props for Tim!  For Valentine’s Day, he bought me a Soda Stream.  First of all, I am just so psyched to have seltzer at my disposal at any moment I want it.  Second of all, have you guys ever used one of these before?  It makes the most hilarious duck-like quacking sound to let you know the water has carbonated.  I giggle like a little kid every single time it quacks.  I love this thing!

Soda Stream

Sunday Food Prep
I’ve always been pretty good about prepping food ahead of time, but this month I have totally been rocking my Sunday food preparation.  And I must say, it’s really helping with my time management.  It does take an hour or two on Sunday nights, but it’s so worth it to have those extra hours of downtime during the week.

Sunday Food Preparation

This Workout Playlist
These jams have proooooobably been overplayed for a few too many weeks in my classes now, but I really just love this playlist.  I did a home workout the other week, and my warmup was literally dancing around my house to the New Kids song.  For all 3 minutes and 17 seconds.  Tim barely even had a reaction.  Whatever.  Y class members, I promise to switch up my music next week.  I swear.  Maybe.

February Playlist

New Contacts
A little random, but at the beginning of the year my eye doctor (my Uncle Chris!) switched up my contacts.  I used to have a prescription that required me to wear my contacts for 2-3 weeks at a time, and I found that my eyes were always dry, irritated, or I’d have some random awkward eye ailment happen to me.  Now I’m wearing these dailies (1-Day Acuvue Moist), and my eyes can definitely feel the difference.  Or maybe I should say not feel?  No more irritation and eye rubbing, and I get to just throw them away every night!  Amazing.

Acuvue Moist

What things have you been loving lately? 

We’re almost at Friday, friends – hang in there!

February 2013 Foodie Penpal Reveal

Hello, friends! Can you believe it’s already the last day of February? This month has seriously FLOWN by. I’m excited though, because I am craving spring. In a bad way. I need me some outdoor time!

For today, I have a couple of month-end posts to share with you. I’ll be back later with my Feb favorites, but for now I’m here with my February Foodie Penpal reveal post!

Foodie Penpal

If you are interested in joining Foodie Penpals, it’s super fun and open to all blog readers, regardless of whether you are a blogger or not. For more details, click over to Lindsay’s Foodie Penpals blog page.

Liz over at Vegging Out in SacTown had me this month. She sent me some olive oil, honey sticks, and a bag of almonds.

February 2013 Foodie Penpal

Liz wrote that the Bariani olive oil is grown and pressed right where she lives in Northern Cali. She even buys it from “Mr. Bariani himself!” How fun. This arrived at the perfect time, because we just ran out of olive oil the other day.

The honey sticks came in a 10 pack of different variations. I guess each type is made by bees pollinating different plants, including sage, wildflower, avocado, and more. Does anyone have any creative uses for these? I’m having a hard time thinking outside the box, but I can’t wait to try the different flavors.

Finally, the alder-smoked almonds came from two girls that sell all kinds of roasted nuts. Liz said they aren’t your typical farmers because they have blue and pink hair. That’s fun.

Thank you, Liz, for my February treats!

Two people never have each other as part of Foodie Penpals, so if you guys are interested in seeing what I sent out this month, click over to Sam’s blog at Center of the Pie. Hopefully she’ll do a recap post on the stuff I sent her way. I’ll give you a hint – it was all nice and Greek!

greek spices

Do you take part in Foodie Penpals? If so, what did you get this month? What did you send? If you don’t, what would you send out if participating for the first time?

I can never decide whether to send random things or go with a themed box. Besides the Greek theme I have also sent a chocolate theme, and a “fall flavors” theme, but I think the rest have been pretty random!